vrijdag 22 juli 2011


I haven't been on my blog for a while because of a couple reasons. One: I had nothing to blog about. Two: no inspiration. Three: I'm enjoying my summer vacation, not that that's so special because the weather sucks.
Well, I'm thinking about being a little more active and I'm beginning today. Don't expect new posts every day or something like that 'cause than you will be disappointed.

Alright, I went shopping again and my thoughts were to buy a lot of new clothes for summer. Didn't happening, I only bought one top and a skirt. Okay, and some bracelets, magazines and The Body Shop products. And ofcourse food (like superdelicious pizza, swirl and icecappuccino)! I made some pictures of it, only not from the skirt because that will be in a special post :).

The Body Shop body butter.

Magazines to help me through this summer.

New bracelets from SIX.

 New floral top from ONLY.

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