dinsdag 15 februari 2011

French manicure

Today I made a french manicure on my nails with 'KOH French Manicure'. My nails aren't that long because they break down most of the times and they are not very strong, I think it shows on the second picture. So the only nailpolish I have used is nailhardner, haha. My fingers seem a bit yellow on the pictures.. well I think because they're always very cold and my bloodstream is not quite right there ;-)

Step one: I used a base coat.

Step two: I made a white stripe with 'KOH Pearly White' at the top of my nails.

Step three: I used the 'KOH Pink Mood' nailpolish on my whole nail. It doens't really look good on my ring finger (putted on to much), but when the polish is dry, it becomes better!

The nailpolishes I used. You can also check them out on the upper picture.

1 opmerking:

  1. I think they turned out great!

